A short film set today, in an old motel. It has a retro feel as I wanted to reflect the connection that we have to the women of our past. The women who have done so much for us, that we find inspiring. This piece is a thank you to that part of our history, with a nod to the effort that women today are putting in to the same cause. The focus of this video reflects my experiences of America and what it feels like to be a woman in todays society.

In the video that is actually projected as a part of my piece, there is a sequence in black and white which consists of footage of New York that I have taken combined with archive footage of #METOO protests across America. I also featured some sequences of key American figures of the 1960s such as Audrey Hepburn in Breakfast at Tiffany's and Elvis Presley. This is because I wanted the audience to make connections between the current political protests and protests from that period which are both for the same cause; women's liberation. Furthermore, using a male figure hints towards the changes in masculinity which are integral to the balance of equality. Unfortunately, the file size is too large to attach to Vimeo.

Made in Webflow